Monday, February 21, 2011

Crystal Garden Conclision

Its been two weeks and we are finishing our crystals gardens. On some gardens the crystals grew because they had the right condition to grow, while on the others nothing happened. On my nothing grew. The easiest crystals to grow were slat crystals, they could grow in 1 day. The hardest crystals to grow were mono ammonium phosphate. The best materials to grow crystals on were something soft and fluffy, i think that crystals need warm temperature to grow. If i needed to do this project again i would make a pond with the solution to grow crystals that's how crystals grow.

Salt crystal-
Sugar crystals:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mapping Volcaones and Earthquakes.

This week in science class we researched if there is a pattern where volcanoes and earthquakes strike. My hypothesis was that there is a pattern, volcanoes erupt close to earth quake and the plate boundaries. Earthquakes are not all scattered they are all mostly around the plate boundaries. Volcanoes mostly erupt close to earthquakes since the earthquake cause the volcano to erupt. I don't think that from the data we have we can see if there's a pattern because earthquakes appear every 13 seconds so the data may not be accurate. I calculated that the closest active volcano is 8000 miles away from Serbian. If we would put more volcanoes and earthquakes on our data it would be the almost the same since most volcanoes erupt in the ring of fire and earthquakes happen close to volcano. In conclusion volcanoes erupt close to earthquakes and quakes erupt when 2 plates transform pass each other.