Monday, March 14, 2011

Science Reflection on notes

Today in class we took notes on rocks and minerals. We had to answer some questions that our teacher gave us, some of the questions were how are rocks created, what types of rocks are there, the rock cycle and similar questions. I learned that there are 3 types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are deposited in the layer of the lake and after some time they compress together and form a rock. Metamorphic are formed by the transformation of pre-existing rocks. Igneous forms when lava cools and solids. We also learned about the rock cycle which is simply constant changing of different types of rocks over a long period of time. We also learned about minerals and how to identify them by asking our selves these questions is it.. solid, naturally occurring, inorganic, fixed composition, crystal form?  We also found 3 interesting facts about rocks and minerals and the facts i found that were really interesting were: that quartz is the most common mineral and that diamonds are the hardest substance known to man. I really enjoyed learning knew stuff.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crystal- Taking notes

Today in class we toke notes on minerals. We now know what are minerals and how they are formed. A mineral  is a s.n.i.f.c, which means solid, naturally occurring, inorganic, fixed composition, crystal form. We also learned about the rock cycle. we learned the different types of ricks which are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. Diamonds are the hardest minerals and talc is the softest minerals. After we learned this, we took a test to see if we really know what it is and we only got 2 wrong.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Volcano project

This week we have been working on our volcano project and i chose Arenal. For my presentation we chose a volcanic region, my partner was Matija. I think i did good but i could done better by adding more information. I was missing the way the volcano erupted. I think i should get a 4-5 grade because it wasn't perfect but i think it was good. I learned a lot of things about Volcanoes like how are people affected by volcanose and what destruction can a volcano cause. People are affected by volcanoes in the way that it can destroy home and kill people but the after effect can be good for the soil and plants.