Sunday, May 13, 2012


In class today we learned about waves and how they interact with other objects. We used a simulation and tested different things. We learned about amplitude and frequency and how they are combined to create a certain wave. Frequency is how much drops per second drop, so if it is big then it would make lots of drops. Amplitude is how much disturbance it cause and it affects how big the wave will be if it is small then only tiny drops will drop. There were many things to try like rotating the view or putting barriers. If we put barriers then the wave would hit into it but only a tiny bit of the force will continue to flow so it decreased the wave. If we put high amplitude and low frequency then it makes big waves with lots of separation between each one. There were lots of things to try out and it was lots of fun. ( Couldn't Put Pictures didn't work for some reason )

Data Analysis: What patterns or relationships do you see in your data table/ sketches/ images?

I saw that every time we would try to put in a drop of water you could see that the waves went until they hit something and made tiny reflections. When we dropped it from a higher height it would make bigger waves since it increases the amplitude. One thing i observed that if a wave cant pass the certain thing it will earthier reflect or pass through it.

Conclusion: What do you conclude about the behavior of waves in the various situations you created today? Can you answer the guiding question now?

My conclusion from this experiment is that the bigger amplitude the bigger the wave will be and the better it will pas through a object or a reflect off of it. Although waves can collide with other waves. This helped me see how the interact with each other.