Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Smart as a Bird: Flying Rescue Robot Will Autonomously Avoid Obstacles

Sometimes a human driver could not always react fast enough to avoid an accident but now with new technology we might be able to make impossible to happen. Now they are making a robot that can fly and navigate its self trough many obstacles. This might help alot with search and rescue. Robots use gps to guide them to were they want to go but in a forest its to far away to make a 3d images. So now there trying to improve that. They have taken it for 53 test in terrain full of obstacles while two failed because of the wind, so they are also trying to factor that in. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Known Human Ancestor

Have you ever wonder how we came to be, from what did we evolve? We all know that we came from monkeys, well types of monkeys. Well new research shows that we came from a small squirrel like animal named the Purgatorius was a agile creature that mostly climbed trees and eat fruit. It was really agile and had joints similar to ours. The only real evidence they have off that is the teeth. It appeared shortly after the dinosaurs were extincted. Not much is known about it yet.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chemical Change


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Star Discovered Racing Around Black Hole at Center of Our Galaxy: Crucial to Revealing Fabric of Space and Time

Recently astronomers saw a star that is orbiting a black hole and it is a 11 year orbit which is the shortest ever. The star S0-120 is the name of that star and it will help us diced if Albert Einstein was right out his theory. Before this we only knew of 1 star that was orbiting a back hole but it was a 16 year orbit. Most of the star have a 60 year orbit. A black hole is so dense that light cant even escape its gravitational pull and it is not possabile to see it by eye. Einstein theory is that the black hole will change the distances between place so we have one question how would a gps system work with a black hole. As the sun gets closer to the black hole certain things start to happen which we will observer in 2018 since that the time when the sun will be on closest to the black hole.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Moleculer Builders
