Sunday, June 10, 2012

Buoy Data

Hypothesis: I think that most of them will placed around the ring of fire area since they need to detect tsunami before its to late. The waves should be the biggest at the shore lines since the logic is the same and tsunamis, as the ground is rising the water has no where to go so it rises, same as a tsunami.

When i looked at the map their was a lot of them placed around north america and they seem the be stacked so i think it shows that their are lots of waves, also lots of them were stacked along Europe. One thing that was interesting for me was that their are lots of buoys stacked in lines in the middle of the pacific ocean and i cant seem to find the reason why. The red circle show that data hasn't been recorded in the last hours and the yellow are with recent data. As you can see above their are lots of them stacked that show recent data but their is one with no data in 8 hours in the middle of them so that puzzles me.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Thanks for including the image! The reason there are so many in the Pacific is because they are there for detecting tsunamis. Where did you find the largest waves to be when you clicked on a yellow buoy?
