Thursday, January 24, 2013


Daily log 8
It’s been 8 years since we first boarded this ship in the efforts to see how we can manipulate genes of people to make the perfect soldier. The government came together and agreed that we should continue this operation even though the civilians protested and rebelled, ever since they announced the operation there have been countless attempts at trying to assassinate the presidents of the countries. Ever since we left I started to forget more and more what was happening on our planet and thinking more about work. Eight years with the same people would make some people go crazy and a matter of fact it did. Two weeks ago we heard the first new of what was happening at our planet. There was an awful war as the new dictator of Russia decided to conquer the world. Now if you knew Paul as well as I did, you would be afraid. He was my roommate and very patriotic about his home country, Russia. Ever since we heard the news his personality changed. I guess that was the result of what was to happen next.
“Wow, this place looks like a mess”
“Yeah but let’s just do what we came here to do”
“What recover the technology that Russia had invested in this?”
“Of course”
They walked slowly through the first laboratory that has been there, seeing all the horrors that have happened. Most of the scientist were huge, none were below 2 meters and bald because of the genetics that they modified themselves.  As they continued going through all the dead bodies that were everywhere they found Paul.
“In an attempt to change the tides of war on earth I have tried to use our colleges to test my new theory. If we are able to make two of the DNA to switch with each other it would make a huge variation. I tried this on Derrick, he was a quit one so nobody would know if he was gone. I tied him up in a chair and started to rearrange all of his DNA. At his rib cage opened up but there was another layer of skin under it so his vital organ were all there but just less protected. Next his arms mutated the part of the arm from the fingers to the elbow when over the rest of the hand to make a muscular creature. Then his bones grew and ripped the front of his elbow to replace the arms he lost with a huge sharp bone. Of course this wasn’t all of it. From the begging I knew what was going to happen and I was slowly collecting data with the research we were doing. I mapped out witch DNA part did what so I knew what to change from the begging but it wasn’t easy. Everybody DNA code is a bit different from each other’s so there was some guessing. My last experiment that I did ended up doing was a bit different. No matter what I tried to change the rib cage would rip out and the vital organs would be left unprotected. But this time the stomach acids that we used to break down food would be used as a weapon. Instead of the normal spit that we had, this person could spit out acid in huge amounts. This made him have a problem with digesting food but when he ate a human it would keep him full for months. This mutation in the DNA of the human also drastically changed their behavior. They lost their common sense and would only eat humans. They also sometimes became crazy and ran around in circle. The unique change in their DNA has made a difference and we didn’t even have to add any of the DNA. There have been some experiments were we tried to combine the sense of a mouse with a human and it didn’t end well. The two things didn’t match and just made a huge human much more furrier.  Now I will try to change my own genes in an effort to make myself the ultimate human soldier. I have taken genes from every animal I need to make my sense better, faster and stronger. I have no clue what will happen but I must take the chance.
“Well now we know what we are up against.”
“Makes me feel so much better”

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