Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Minning in Serbia

Today in class we discussed about the minerals that are mined in our home country. The most common minerals in Serbia are copper,lead,zinc and bauxite. The large part of the copper production comes from deposits in Timoc area ( Bor). Lead and zinc production mainly comes from Kopaonik area. Copper is the most mined mineral in Serbia. The process of mining copper includes blasting the ore with dynamite and then it is loaded in a truck to take it to the primary crushers, where the smelting process begins. Then it is crushed and chemicals are used to purify the copper ore, where the raw ore is separated from the fine sulfate of ore. The most well known company for mining copper is RTB Bor. Copper from Serbia is exported  to 150 key countries world wide. Copper is used in mass industry for production of various appliances.Copper isn't a very expensive mineral but it is useful.Our country is dependable on this mineral because it increases the overall profit of the country and it improves its economy.

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