Thursday, September 29, 2011

How Area 51 Hid Secret Aircraft

Have you ever thought of what they do in area 51? Much speculated theories about US stealth aircraft are now confirmed and widely known. The Americans were testing a prototype of the OXCART. Apparently the Americans had to think about various ways to hide their aircraft from people but they had a bigger problem they knew they were surrounded by Russian spy satellites so they played a game of cat and mouse. They knew exactly the schedule of Russian satellites and they tried to trick them by making aircraft models of cardboard and other common materials in order to trick the infrared satellites buy casting fake shadows. When they saw the satellite coming over the horizon they would always scoot the planes in the garage where they had fake models of airplanes, which made it very difficult to test because they would have to go and pull it out and in and so on. Later on they discovered that Russian had a drawing of their plane thanks to the infrared satellite. When they plane is tested in the hot dessert it would create cool silhouette which was still visibly by infrared satellites. Sometimes they put heaters next to the fake models of plane’s engines to look like the aircraft has just landed. Despite all the Russians effort they never figured out the secrets of the plane before it was made public in mid 1960’s. It could reach the speed of 2000 miles per hour and cross the American continent in 70 minutes. Even thought it was really high tech it was not good enough to spot Russians satellite when flying over soviet union so it got really soon its improved successor. 

1 comment:

  1. Wicked! They must of been really clever to pull that off! however, I'm still curious where you got your information...
