Sunday, October 30, 2011


Today in class we watched a movie called dirt that shows if it is living or non living. It all stared when we were learning about biotic and non biotic then we stared talking about dirt and in which category it would fall in. So we watched this movie and it has lots of interesting facts and ideas. We learned that dirt is a vital resources that gives us much more then we think and in different parts of the world it is used differently. It can be used for food, items and even houses. People all over the world worship it and it is a part of their culture and they worship it for food. They believe that their is a god who gives the soil they fertility so they can grow crops and they worship him by sacrificing animals. Dirt is also getting destroyed more and more because of mining and many other things and without it we wouldn't be on this planet. This movie was very interesting and it showed that dirt is living and if we don't stop destroying it it will become rare.

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