Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reasons for The Seasons.

1. When in it is winter in the northern Hemisphere which areas on earth get the most concentrated light?Which areas get the most concentrated light when it is summer in the northern hemisphere?
whether it is winter or summer in any case the equator get the most sunlight unless it is facing away from the sun.
2.Compare your observations of how the light hits the area halfway between the equator and north pole during winter and during summer?
When we could see the grids i noticed that as the grids get more away from the center where the light is pointing they become more into rectangle then squares. I also noticed that in summer we have longer shadows and in winter we have smaller since the earth is tilted to the right making bigger shadows.
3.If the square projected on the ball from the acetate become larger what can you infer about the amount of heat distributed in each square?
As the squares become rectangle it is showing that the rectangle are showing that there you receive less heat than the places where there are squares.
4.Which areas on earth are consistently coolest and which areas are consistently warmest?why?
The areas on earth that are consistently cold are the ones farther from the equator since they receive less sun light. The coldest places are the north and south pole.
5.What time of the year will the toothpick's shadow be longest?When will the shadow be shortest?
During the summer shadows are long since the earth is tilted to the sun and during the winter it is tilted away from the sun.
6.How are the amounts of heat and light received in a square related to the angle of the sun's rays?
If the angle is different then the amount of heat the earth would get would change since if it is going directly to the north pole there would be perfect square on that but on the rest it would be.
What causes the seasons?
The reason we have seasons is that the earth is constantly rotating and the tilt is changing periodically.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The phases of the moon

1.In your model what represents earth,sun and the moon?
In my model the earth was a big Styrofoam ball,the moon was a little Styrofoam ball and the sun was a flashlight.
2. Refer back to your eight circles how much of the lighted part of the ball did you see when facing the lamp?
We saw half of the moon but if the moon was also facing towards the sun we wouldn't see any lighted up part since its getting no sunshine.
3.Which drawing represents a full moon?A new moon?Waxing crescent? and waning crescent?
For this lab we drew drawing about what we would see from earth and what we would see from space. A full moon is when the moon has no shades, new moon is when the moon is when it is completely dark. Waxing crescent is when only the left quarter is lit up, and waning crescent when the right quarter is dark.
4.How much of the lighted part of the ball did you see after each turn?
Every time we moved the moon into a new phase one fourth more was lit up or in dark.
5.How much of the balls surface was always lit by the lamp?Was the darkness of the new moon caused by an eclipse?
Half of the moon's surface is always lit up even though we can not see it. From our perspective we can only see some parts of the moon lit up but from space we can see that always half of it is lit up.The darkness of the moon is not caused by an eclipse because a solar eclipse is seen like the new moon but only with a halo of light around it.
6. How well did making a model help you understand the phases of the moon what are some disadvantages of using model and what is another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon?
Making a model helped me understand the phases of the moon quite well and the disadvantages were that it took some time to setup everything. Another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon is to make a moon clock which shows all the phases of the moon and when the moon rises and sets.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Electronic Skin

Have you ever imagined that you actually poses some popular super hero’s well scientist came up with a interesting invention which is a revolutionary and certainly improve the health system in general. Just imagine that you have a tiny tattoo on your skin and when something is wrong with your body or organs it will be signaled from a tattoo. Scientist was trying to build a device that similar to the newest tattoo invention that was initially in a form of a simple wrapping. But they had a problem because they couldn’t come up with the appropriate material that was flexible enough and could easily be attached to the skin and follow the line of the body. The first invention of this kind was EEG invented by German doctor Hans Berger and it was used for measuring brain’s electrical activity. The major drawbacks of this invention were that it was bulky with a lot of wires and it didn’t have enough power supply. So they found that arranging silicon wires in a way similar to the accordion they could let it bend easily without a problem. They also had the problem of the power supply since they couldn’t make it work without wires so they figured out that they could use silicon as an electricity generator. Over the years they have been improving it and made a temporary tattoo that you put on yourself. My opinion with this is that it would improve the society and make it much safer since you could have a dieses that you don’t know of but the tattoo detects it and sends it to the hospital so they could help you before it to late.