Monday, February 27, 2012

The phases of the moon

1.In your model what represents earth,sun and the moon?
In my model the earth was a big Styrofoam ball,the moon was a little Styrofoam ball and the sun was a flashlight.
2. Refer back to your eight circles how much of the lighted part of the ball did you see when facing the lamp?
We saw half of the moon but if the moon was also facing towards the sun we wouldn't see any lighted up part since its getting no sunshine.
3.Which drawing represents a full moon?A new moon?Waxing crescent? and waning crescent?
For this lab we drew drawing about what we would see from earth and what we would see from space. A full moon is when the moon has no shades, new moon is when the moon is when it is completely dark. Waxing crescent is when only the left quarter is lit up, and waning crescent when the right quarter is dark.
4.How much of the lighted part of the ball did you see after each turn?
Every time we moved the moon into a new phase one fourth more was lit up or in dark.
5.How much of the balls surface was always lit by the lamp?Was the darkness of the new moon caused by an eclipse?
Half of the moon's surface is always lit up even though we can not see it. From our perspective we can only see some parts of the moon lit up but from space we can see that always half of it is lit up.The darkness of the moon is not caused by an eclipse because a solar eclipse is seen like the new moon but only with a halo of light around it.
6. How well did making a model help you understand the phases of the moon what are some disadvantages of using model and what is another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon?
Making a model helped me understand the phases of the moon quite well and the disadvantages were that it took some time to setup everything. Another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon is to make a moon clock which shows all the phases of the moon and when the moon rises and sets.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection. I'm glad that the model helped. Good analysis of the model and moon clock. However, adding the images from your notebook from the drawings you took would have been a good addition to your post.
