Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Imagine a world without fears and danger were we can all be happy, but that cant happen since there are lots natural disasters that strike fear into fear of people eyes. When plate tectonics move they can create horriable things and sometimes thing that you can say are good. They crunch and crash into one another creating all sorts of things like mountins (Himalayas) or when the go apart from one another that make the mariana trecnch, but it is not always so nice and happy as it might seem. It can make a earth quake and the chain of that which is a tsunami. This happens when two tectonicn plates crash in to one another the less dense one will sink and the other one will stay up but over the years they create a really big stress on the point were they meet until eventully they cant hold it anymore and they just flip up witch makes a earthquake but if it is in the water it will cause a tsunami. There are also many other ways for a tsunami to happen which include landslides,volcanos,glacier or some of the more uncommem ones which are meteorites and nuclear tests. The word tsunami comes form Japanese meaning harbor wave and it is not clasiffed as a normal wave. The reason behind this is that the way lenght is way to big and it sometimes resembles as a rapidly rising tide so some people call this tidal waves. In case you dont know what a tsunami is or you want to hear the right defenition for it is " a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water." We learned a lot about tsunamis from past events that happened, but it is proven that people way back around 426 BC knew about this and they had a idea that this might be happening from submarine earthquakes. "The cause, in my opinion, of this phenomenon must be sought in the earthquake. At the point where its shock has been the most violent the sea is driven back, and suddenly recoiling with redoubled force, causes the inundation. Without an earthquake I do not see how such an accident could happen." Now as i said before it is caused by tectonic plates. When they happen, in the sea they are not even noticable they rise like 300 mm but the problem is when they get close to the shore line. So if you were on a boat far away from the shore you can live and not even feel it or it has happened to people that they go diving and they dont notice it. Since the force of the water need to go somewere and since it get shallower it just rises. Not long agao it was discovered that the source of the huge waves are are created by giant landslides in the water, they are called sciorrucks. Since the landslide displaces large amount of water it creates energy that water cant absorb. Most tsunamis happen at the ring of fire since there the plate boundries crash. A tsunami is commenly found as two or even three waves that come one after another which can cause great destruciton. Most of them travel at really high speeds and are devestating. Now when we come to the life saving or protection against tsunamis there is one commen thing that all of us can see and react to and it is the sudden drawback of water, when the water recede quickly from the beach. This is ussaly the sign that a tsunami could be coming and you should run more inland and higher as possiable to stay safe. Even if there has been a earthquake it might has caused a tsunami. One interesting fact i found is that it has been tried to be used as a wepon for war, in world war two there has been an attempt that we know of, of creating a tsunami. The New Zealand Military Force made a project called project seal and it was used to create a wave that would carry bombs through the water to the enemy, the attempt was a fail, but we dont know if somebody acuttly made it. One more fact is that palm trees have adapted to tsunamis so the ycan reasist them. Another detection system is animals. Someone reported that he saw all sorts of animals running more inland and higher and some time after a tsunami stroke so it was correct. The most commen ones are used by the millitary which detect the water movment and preasurre so if an enemmy ship was going that way they could see it. It is called the BPR and it detects the change in water. If it notices something wrong in the water it will send data more frequenlty so they can see if it is a tsunami. This system has been used for a while and if it detects one the syriens will go on and warm everybody. One more way is to use the sattile and it has been done they did see a tsunami on the sattile but it took five hours to send the data which is far to late. These "Killer Waves can be devestating but we are learning more and more to make them no cause any harm.

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