Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get up close and personal with micro monsters

Many of us know the small insects and animals but what about creatures that are not visible with a naked. Well zoologists Tom Jackson put some of these terrifying creatures in a book called micro monsters. The British resident who wanted to show children the living creature around them spend three months making the images. In order to have such amazing detail they coated the creature with gold and then frozen in liquid nitrogen technique called Transmission Electron Microscopy, where by a beam is transmitted through these bugs creating crystal clear pictures. One creature is an aphid- the bane of avid farmers. They leach on healthy plants and suck out the sap. The best way to combat them is to fill your garden with ladybugs that devour them. A Louse feeds on skin and other debris of the person’s body. It is one of the 3000 insects that are known to attack humans. This is really cool how they can zoom in so much if you want to see some pictures visit the site below.
By Meera Dolasia on 11/10/2010

1 comment:

  1. This seemed like an interesting article, but again, the website and author name is missing. You need to include your opinions as well and explain how this type of science can affect or solve a problem.
