Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wish to improve your math skills? Zap your brain.

Do you ever wish that your were very good at math without doing anything? Its simple all you have to do is to zap your brain with a weak current of electricity and you will be smart at math. At least that’s what a team of British sciences from London’s oxford university. They wanted to see if the brain would work better with numbers if it was shocked. So they had 15 volunteers split into 3 groups. Every day they would do 2 math problems but to make it harder the replaced numbers with symbols. They were all put to a 20-minute session of a light electric current to the parietal lobes. The two groups were doing different thing one the electricity was going left to right and for the other right to left. The group that was zapped from right to left made a big improvement while the group form left to right were at a 6 years old level. I wish they would put this on sale but improve it since i don't want to risk losing my math skills.
By Meera Dolasia on 11/08/2010


  1. Well written summary, but I'm not so sure I would allow them to zap my parietal lobes! YOu? How did you feel about this article?

  2. Cool, but why is there a difference if you get zapped from the left or right? You still get zapped.
