Sunday, November 4, 2012

Were Dinosaurs Destined to Be Big? Testing Cope's Rule

A long time ago dinosaurs ruled the planet and were seen as the biggest creatures that existed. Then the Edward Cope made a rule that every creatures evolves to be bigger. This theory was tested to see if that actually happens by taking their thigh bone to see their size. They took the dinosaurs family tree and used that to see if they tend to increase in size which in most case we would think they would and they did. Although some of them didn't, the theropod dinosaurs evolved to be birds which made them smaller and have flat faces for better flight. There is also one option which disproved this theory and it was the famous t-Rex, how big could it get while staying bipedal since its tiny hands would almost never evolve to be big enough for him to walk on 4 legs.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Smart as a Bird: Flying Rescue Robot Will Autonomously Avoid Obstacles

Sometimes a human driver could not always react fast enough to avoid an accident but now with new technology we might be able to make impossible to happen. Now they are making a robot that can fly and navigate its self trough many obstacles. This might help alot with search and rescue. Robots use gps to guide them to were they want to go but in a forest its to far away to make a 3d images. So now there trying to improve that. They have taken it for 53 test in terrain full of obstacles while two failed because of the wind, so they are also trying to factor that in. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Known Human Ancestor

Have you ever wonder how we came to be, from what did we evolve? We all know that we came from monkeys, well types of monkeys. Well new research shows that we came from a small squirrel like animal named the Purgatorius was a agile creature that mostly climbed trees and eat fruit. It was really agile and had joints similar to ours. The only real evidence they have off that is the teeth. It appeared shortly after the dinosaurs were extincted. Not much is known about it yet.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chemical Change


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Star Discovered Racing Around Black Hole at Center of Our Galaxy: Crucial to Revealing Fabric of Space and Time

Recently astronomers saw a star that is orbiting a black hole and it is a 11 year orbit which is the shortest ever. The star S0-120 is the name of that star and it will help us diced if Albert Einstein was right out his theory. Before this we only knew of 1 star that was orbiting a back hole but it was a 16 year orbit. Most of the star have a 60 year orbit. A black hole is so dense that light cant even escape its gravitational pull and it is not possabile to see it by eye. Einstein theory is that the black hole will change the distances between place so we have one question how would a gps system work with a black hole. As the sun gets closer to the black hole certain things start to happen which we will observer in 2018 since that the time when the sun will be on closest to the black hole.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Moleculer Builders


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Black Holes

You may all think that dark matter is not made up of light since after all its called dark matter but physicists thought other wise. All of us wonder what is the space that makes up space in space, confusing. In other words what is area in space. All the people thought that photons, particles of light make up 85 percent of the universes matter. But now with new research they might be heavy photons. It will be a small amount of mass and carry an unknown force that makes it interact with normal photons.We know this because when something with mass passes a black hole it gets sucked in but something with no mass will just pass by it but a in between mass will go into it and steal some of its energy so it makes the black hole stop spinning. They calculated that if it were to make it stop moving it would have to weight 10-20 electronvolts. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How sea otters can reduce Co2

Sea otters may seem like not a like an important animal in the Eco system, sure they build dams. But most people think that is it, although they do a lot more and effect the Co2 level in a indirect way. Since sea urchins eat sea kelp and recent research shows that kelp absorb Co2 thought photosynthesis. Even though the amount of Co2 removed a little if we have lots of Co2 in the atmosphere, which we do see it docent affect it that much but its enough to make a difference. I think that this can be good if we stop polluting then the plant can slowly recover. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stars Missing Elements

There are millions of stars in the cosmos and there are even more planets orbiting them but stars that are missing elements,plant like elements. It shows that there is a planet small and terrestrial like ours. This is the perfect place to find a new planet like ours. So far sciences had found around a dozen twin stars that they are studying to find a new planet
“That happens to be the star that’s an almost identical copy of the sun,” Melendez said. “In our opinion, it could be a very good target.”
This is the perfect way to find a new planet and it relates to elements that we are learning in class.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Plutonium is a radioactive element, and on the periodic table it is PU. Most people might confuse it as PL  but when they were naming it Pu was easily remembered.It has many interesting uses including a nuclear bomb. It was discovered by the university of California, since in nature it is found in minimum amounts it would have been really hard to find it. They made it in world war 2 for atomic bombs and it is created for uranium. It can be also used as heating chemical but its radioactive. It is currently used for electricy and it is also being used in spacecraft being sent today.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Buoy Data

Hypothesis: I think that most of them will placed around the ring of fire area since they need to detect tsunami before its to late. The waves should be the biggest at the shore lines since the logic is the same and tsunamis, as the ground is rising the water has no where to go so it rises, same as a tsunami.

When i looked at the map their was a lot of them placed around north america and they seem the be stacked so i think it shows that their are lots of waves, also lots of them were stacked along Europe. One thing that was interesting for me was that their are lots of buoys stacked in lines in the middle of the pacific ocean and i cant seem to find the reason why. The red circle show that data hasn't been recorded in the last hours and the yellow are with recent data. As you can see above their are lots of them stacked that show recent data but their is one with no data in 8 hours in the middle of them so that puzzles me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Imagine a world without fears and danger were we can all be happy, but that cant happen since there are lots natural disasters that strike fear into fear of people eyes. When plate tectonics move they can create horriable things and sometimes thing that you can say are good. They crunch and crash into one another creating all sorts of things like mountins (Himalayas) or when the go apart from one another that make the mariana trecnch, but it is not always so nice and happy as it might seem. It can make a earth quake and the chain of that which is a tsunami. This happens when two tectonicn plates crash in to one another the less dense one will sink and the other one will stay up but over the years they create a really big stress on the point were they meet until eventully they cant hold it anymore and they just flip up witch makes a earthquake but if it is in the water it will cause a tsunami. There are also many other ways for a tsunami to happen which include landslides,volcanos,glacier or some of the more uncommem ones which are meteorites and nuclear tests. The word tsunami comes form Japanese meaning harbor wave and it is not clasiffed as a normal wave. The reason behind this is that the way lenght is way to big and it sometimes resembles as a rapidly rising tide so some people call this tidal waves. In case you dont know what a tsunami is or you want to hear the right defenition for it is " a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water." We learned a lot about tsunamis from past events that happened, but it is proven that people way back around 426 BC knew about this and they had a idea that this might be happening from submarine earthquakes. "The cause, in my opinion, of this phenomenon must be sought in the earthquake. At the point where its shock has been the most violent the sea is driven back, and suddenly recoiling with redoubled force, causes the inundation. Without an earthquake I do not see how such an accident could happen." Now as i said before it is caused by tectonic plates. When they happen, in the sea they are not even noticable they rise like 300 mm but the problem is when they get close to the shore line. So if you were on a boat far away from the shore you can live and not even feel it or it has happened to people that they go diving and they dont notice it. Since the force of the water need to go somewere and since it get shallower it just rises. Not long agao it was discovered that the source of the huge waves are are created by giant landslides in the water, they are called sciorrucks. Since the landslide displaces large amount of water it creates energy that water cant absorb. Most tsunamis happen at the ring of fire since there the plate boundries crash. A tsunami is commenly found as two or even three waves that come one after another which can cause great destruciton. Most of them travel at really high speeds and are devestating. Now when we come to the life saving or protection against tsunamis there is one commen thing that all of us can see and react to and it is the sudden drawback of water, when the water recede quickly from the beach. This is ussaly the sign that a tsunami could be coming and you should run more inland and higher as possiable to stay safe. Even if there has been a earthquake it might has caused a tsunami. One interesting fact i found is that it has been tried to be used as a wepon for war, in world war two there has been an attempt that we know of, of creating a tsunami. The New Zealand Military Force made a project called project seal and it was used to create a wave that would carry bombs through the water to the enemy, the attempt was a fail, but we dont know if somebody acuttly made it. One more fact is that palm trees have adapted to tsunamis so the ycan reasist them. Another detection system is animals. Someone reported that he saw all sorts of animals running more inland and higher and some time after a tsunami stroke so it was correct. The most commen ones are used by the millitary which detect the water movment and preasurre so if an enemmy ship was going that way they could see it. It is called the BPR and it detects the change in water. If it notices something wrong in the water it will send data more frequenlty so they can see if it is a tsunami. This system has been used for a while and if it detects one the syriens will go on and warm everybody. One more way is to use the sattile and it has been done they did see a tsunami on the sattile but it took five hours to send the data which is far to late. These "Killer Waves can be devestating but we are learning more and more to make them no cause any harm.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


In class today we learned about waves and how they interact with other objects. We used a simulation and tested different things. We learned about amplitude and frequency and how they are combined to create a certain wave. Frequency is how much drops per second drop, so if it is big then it would make lots of drops. Amplitude is how much disturbance it cause and it affects how big the wave will be if it is small then only tiny drops will drop. There were many things to try like rotating the view or putting barriers. If we put barriers then the wave would hit into it but only a tiny bit of the force will continue to flow so it decreased the wave. If we put high amplitude and low frequency then it makes big waves with lots of separation between each one. There were lots of things to try out and it was lots of fun. ( Couldn't Put Pictures didn't work for some reason )

Data Analysis: What patterns or relationships do you see in your data table/ sketches/ images?

I saw that every time we would try to put in a drop of water you could see that the waves went until they hit something and made tiny reflections. When we dropped it from a higher height it would make bigger waves since it increases the amplitude. One thing i observed that if a wave cant pass the certain thing it will earthier reflect or pass through it.

Conclusion: What do you conclude about the behavior of waves in the various situations you created today? Can you answer the guiding question now?

My conclusion from this experiment is that the bigger amplitude the bigger the wave will be and the better it will pas through a object or a reflect off of it. Although waves can collide with other waves. This helped me see how the interact with each other.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Young Moon?

Did you know that the moon is actually younger than we previously thought? According to the initial theories the moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago but recent research proved differently. The moon was made of the remains of the planet called Thea that hit proto-earth and crashed into pieces but the earth survived. Then from all the magma remains that were revolving around the earth, they cooled down and crashed into one another to form the moon. When they cooled down they turned into different mineral components. The research that gave us the new testament of the moon’s age was performed by the team that included Carnegie’s Richard Carlson and former-Carnegie fellow Maud Boyet. This team of researchers analyzed the rock called ferroan anorthosite that is the oldest moon’s crustal rock. Before they were unable to estimate precisely the moon’s age because they lacked high-tech equipment but now thanks to the new more refined technology they were able to estimate the age to 4.36 billion years, which is much less than the previous estimate of   4.568 billion years. They also analyzed both the lunar and the earth minerals and concluded that the moon and earth’s oldest crust was form at the same time shortly after the impact of Thea. “The extraordinarily young age of this lunar sample either means that the Moon solidified significantly later than previous estimates, or that we need to change our entire understanding of the Moon’s geochemical history,” Carlson said. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reasons for The Seasons.

1. When in it is winter in the northern Hemisphere which areas on earth get the most concentrated light?Which areas get the most concentrated light when it is summer in the northern hemisphere?
whether it is winter or summer in any case the equator get the most sunlight unless it is facing away from the sun.
2.Compare your observations of how the light hits the area halfway between the equator and north pole during winter and during summer?
When we could see the grids i noticed that as the grids get more away from the center where the light is pointing they become more into rectangle then squares. I also noticed that in summer we have longer shadows and in winter we have smaller since the earth is tilted to the right making bigger shadows.
3.If the square projected on the ball from the acetate become larger what can you infer about the amount of heat distributed in each square?
As the squares become rectangle it is showing that the rectangle are showing that there you receive less heat than the places where there are squares.
4.Which areas on earth are consistently coolest and which areas are consistently warmest?why?
The areas on earth that are consistently cold are the ones farther from the equator since they receive less sun light. The coldest places are the north and south pole.
5.What time of the year will the toothpick's shadow be longest?When will the shadow be shortest?
During the summer shadows are long since the earth is tilted to the sun and during the winter it is tilted away from the sun.
6.How are the amounts of heat and light received in a square related to the angle of the sun's rays?
If the angle is different then the amount of heat the earth would get would change since if it is going directly to the north pole there would be perfect square on that but on the rest it would be.
What causes the seasons?
The reason we have seasons is that the earth is constantly rotating and the tilt is changing periodically.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The phases of the moon

1.In your model what represents earth,sun and the moon?
In my model the earth was a big Styrofoam ball,the moon was a little Styrofoam ball and the sun was a flashlight.
2. Refer back to your eight circles how much of the lighted part of the ball did you see when facing the lamp?
We saw half of the moon but if the moon was also facing towards the sun we wouldn't see any lighted up part since its getting no sunshine.
3.Which drawing represents a full moon?A new moon?Waxing crescent? and waning crescent?
For this lab we drew drawing about what we would see from earth and what we would see from space. A full moon is when the moon has no shades, new moon is when the moon is when it is completely dark. Waxing crescent is when only the left quarter is lit up, and waning crescent when the right quarter is dark.
4.How much of the lighted part of the ball did you see after each turn?
Every time we moved the moon into a new phase one fourth more was lit up or in dark.
5.How much of the balls surface was always lit by the lamp?Was the darkness of the new moon caused by an eclipse?
Half of the moon's surface is always lit up even though we can not see it. From our perspective we can only see some parts of the moon lit up but from space we can see that always half of it is lit up.The darkness of the moon is not caused by an eclipse because a solar eclipse is seen like the new moon but only with a halo of light around it.
6. How well did making a model help you understand the phases of the moon what are some disadvantages of using model and what is another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon?
Making a model helped me understand the phases of the moon quite well and the disadvantages were that it took some time to setup everything. Another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon is to make a moon clock which shows all the phases of the moon and when the moon rises and sets.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Electronic Skin

Have you ever imagined that you actually poses some popular super hero’s well scientist came up with a interesting invention which is a revolutionary and certainly improve the health system in general. Just imagine that you have a tiny tattoo on your skin and when something is wrong with your body or organs it will be signaled from a tattoo. Scientist was trying to build a device that similar to the newest tattoo invention that was initially in a form of a simple wrapping. But they had a problem because they couldn’t come up with the appropriate material that was flexible enough and could easily be attached to the skin and follow the line of the body. The first invention of this kind was EEG invented by German doctor Hans Berger and it was used for measuring brain’s electrical activity. The major drawbacks of this invention were that it was bulky with a lot of wires and it didn’t have enough power supply. So they found that arranging silicon wires in a way similar to the accordion they could let it bend easily without a problem. They also had the problem of the power supply since they couldn’t make it work without wires so they figured out that they could use silicon as an electricity generator. Over the years they have been improving it and made a temporary tattoo that you put on yourself. My opinion with this is that it would improve the society and make it much safer since you could have a dieses that you don’t know of but the tattoo detects it and sends it to the hospital so they could help you before it to late.